If you’re looking for answers about how medical acupuncture might help you or a loved one, you’ve come to the right place. We hope the information collected in this patient resource section will help. Let’s start with an introduction to who we are and what we do.
What is the AAMA?
The AAMA is the only professional organization in the U.S. that represents licensed physicians, MDs and DOs, who have integrated acupuncture into their modern, Western medical practices.
What is medical acupuncture?
When acupuncture is administered by qualified physicians, it’s called medical acupuncture. These physicians are trained in both Western medicine and acupuncture, which gives them the ability to examine a problem, make a diagnosis, and offer treatment options from both the modern medical and acupuncture standpoint. That means their patients get the best of both worlds: proven, ancient healing techniques and cutting-edge medicine.
What can acupuncture treat?
With thousands of years of tradition behind it and a growing base of modern scientific evidence supporting it, the practice of acupuncture has the potential to help patients with a wide variety of diseases, disorders and symptoms. Read on to learn more.