US Physician Acupuncturists

Most physicians are permitted to practice acupuncture within the scope of their medical licenses. Ten states mandate that physicians complete a specified number of hours in acupuncture instruction in addition to maintaining a current medical license. You may then have to submit an application or proof of training with the state medical board or licensing agency.

Learn more about what the requirements are for your state!

In most states acupuncture is within the scope of practice for physicians.


* OK has no law to regulate acupuncture. Physicians may practice acupuncture without specific training requirements.

Three states have restrictions regarding the practice of acupuncture by physicians.

HI – a physician must be a Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc) to practice acupuncture in Hawaii.

MT – a licensed physician may use solid needles to perform therapeutic modalities without first acquiring a license to practice acupuncture (49 A.G. Op. 7 [1999])

NM – It is the position of the New Mexico Medical Society that a licensed physician may use solid needles to perform therapeutic modalities, such as dry needling, so long as it is not referred to or advertised as acupuncture. NMMS believes that a NM federal court opinion, which states that Physical Therapists are specifically entitled to practice “dry needling,” should be extended to physicians. See New Mexico ex rel. N.M. Soc’y for Acupuncture & Asian Med. v. Kinetacore Holdings, LLC (D. N.M. 2018).

Specific State Requirements

The District of Columbia and these 10 states have additional requirements for a physician to practice acupuncture.


Information for obtaining permission to practice acupuncture in these states and DC is listed below. Contact the state governing board for information on license renewal and required CME in acupuncture.

Washington, DC

Training requirement: 300-hour program approved by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture. At least 100 hours must be in clinical training.

Ruling: DC Department of Health, Chapter 47, Section 4701, Subsection 4702.7 (Oct. 2020)

Governing Board: DC Board of Medicine

Licensing Information:
Acupuncture Licensing

NOTE> In Section 8 (page 3) and Section 14 (page 6) write that certification by the ABMA is not required for an acupuncture license. Submit a copy of a transcript and certificate of completion in a sealed envelope from the acupuncture institution.

Application Form


Training requirement: 300-hour Medical Board-approved training course.

Ruling: Dept. 360, Chapter 360-6-.09

Governing Board: Georgia Composite Medical Board

Licensing information:
For permission to practice acupuncture, a physician with a current Georgia medical license must submit the following items to the Board:

1. A request for Board approval printed on physician letterhead containing:
     A. The physician’s name and all addresses where acupuncture is to be performed,
    B. A brief outline of plans concerning use of acupuncture including objectives, method of procedure, and diseases or conditions to be evaluated using acupuncture,
    C. A list of acupuncture devices to be used which must include sterile, disposable, single-use needles.
2. Documentation or certificate showing successful completion of 300 hours of acupuncture training acceptable to the Board.
3. A copy of the patient consent form (a sample is available on the GCMB website).

The Board will consider the request after receipt of the above items. A letter of confirmation is sent upon Board approval. There is no additional fee.


Training requirement: 300 credit hours of CME in acupuncture designated as Category 1 by the AMA. The applicant must provide proof of six months of training in acupuncture OR a certificate of completion of a 300-hour course.

Ruling: LA Revised Statutes Title 37, Chapter 15, Part IV. Practice of Acupuncture, Section 37:1357.

Governing Board: Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners

Licensing Information:
Application and Instructions

License dashboard:

The physician must send the application form with a notarized photo to the acupuncture institution. The institution returns the form and a certificate of completion to the Board.


Training requirement: 200 hours of training in a program of study in acupuncture approved for Category 1 CME credit by an institution accredited or recognized by the ACCME or successful completion of a course of study approved by the Board which includes at least 200 hours of instruction in:
1. General and basic aspects of acupuncture
2. Specific uses and techniques of acupuncture and
3. Indications and contraindications of acupuncture administration

Ruling: Maryland Health Occupations Section 14-504

Code of Maryland Regulations 10.32.15 > Registration of Physicians to Perform Acupuncture.

Governing Board: Maryland Board of Physicians

Licensing Information:

Application Form


Training requirement: 200 hours of AMA or AOA approved Category 1 CME in the field of acupuncture. This CME must include at least 100 clinical hours and 100 didactic hours of training. The Board of Medical Licensure must have on file copies of required CME prior to any MS licensed physician being approved to provide treatment by acupuncture.

Ruling: MSBML Administrative Code, Part 2625: Chapter 1

Governing Board:
Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure

Licensing Information:
After completing training, the applicant sends to the MSBML:
1. a letter on practice letterhead with applicant’s name and medical license number stating that the physician plans to practice acupuncture in MS, and
2. a copy of the certificate from the training program.
The Board will review the request and notify the applicant if permission is granted to practice acupuncture.

New Jersey

Training requirement: The course of training in acupuncture shall be for a minimum of 300 hours and shall include a clinical training program of not less than 150 hours.

Ruling: Acupuncture Examining Board Law 45:2C-8

Governing Board: New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners – NOT the Acupuncture Examining Board

Licensing Information:
There is no formal application. The physician sends the certificate of completion from the acupuncture institution to the Board. After review, and if in order, the Board sends the applicant a letter affirming privileges to use acupuncture as a treatment modality.

New York

Training requirement: A licensed physician must register to become “certified” to practice acupuncture. The applicant must complete 300 of instruction consisting of
• at least 100 hours of instruction and clinical demonstrations in general and basic aspects of acupuncture.
• at least 100 hours of sequential specialized instruction in specific uses and techniques of acupuncture. Topics of instruction shall include indications and contraindications for acupuncture administration, techniques for locating acupuncture points, needling and stimulating techniques, and trainee participation in administration of acupuncture in clinical demonstrations.
• at least 100 hours of supervised experience acceptable to the Department and under the supervision of a currently registered physician or dentist certified in acupuncture.

Ruling: Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Part 60, Section 60.9

Governing Board:
New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions, Division of Professional Licensing Services

Licensing Information:

Form 1AC-R, “Application for Certification to Use Acupuncture,” must be completed by the applicant. Form 2AC, Certification of Acupuncture Education, must be filled in and then sent to the acupuncture institution for completion.


Training requirement: 200 hours of training in acupuncture medical programs including examinations required by those programs. Three hours of Board-approved continuing education in child abuse recognition and reporting are also required for initial licensure.

Ruling: For MDs: PA Code, Title 49 Chapter 18 Section 13 (49 Pa.Code §18.13(b))

For DOs: PA Code, Title 49 Chapter 25 Section 303 (49 Pa.Code §25.303(b))

Governing Board:
Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine

Licensing Information:

The physician logs into the Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS) to download the application form. After filling in the required information, the physician sends the form to the acupuncture institution. The institution completes the form and returns it with a transcript to the Board.

Application Form

Rhode Island

Training requirement: Successful completion of a course offered to physicians that has been approved by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture. If the practice is limited to ear acupuncture, the physician must complete an approved course of at least four hours duration.

Ruling: Dept. of Health Title 216-40-05 Professional Licensing
License Requirements 1.3.2, Practice of Medical Acupuncture

Governing Board: Rhode Island Department of Health
Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline

Licensing Information:
There is no application form to submit.

Additional Information:
A physician who practices medical acupuncture must provide written disclosure to their patient receiving medical acupuncture that the physician’s qualifications to practice medical acupuncture are not equivalent to those of doctors of acupuncture licensed in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 5-37.2. Further, a physician integrating medical acupuncture into their medical practice must disclose to the patient the type of pathway (i.e., pain management, primary care) in which the physician was trained.
(Application for License & Fees, Patient Disclosure 1.5.13)

South Carolina

Training requirement: 300 hours of an acupuncture program approved by the SC BME.

Ruling: SC MBE Policy Relative to the Practice of Acupuncture by State Licensed Physicians, Adopted by the BME Feb. 1, 2011

Governing Board:
South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners

Licensing Information:
The Board does not maintain a list of approved acupuncture programs. The physician may check with the BME or the training program to see if it is accepted by the Board.
The applicant sends a copy of their certificate of completion to the Board for approval. The Board then adds acupuncture as a specialty on the applicant’s license. This can be confirmed on the Board’s website.

Verification Information


Training requirement: 200 hours of instruction to include 50 hours of supervised clinical experience.

Ruling: Virgina Administrative Code Title 18 – Agency 85 – Chapter 20 – Part III
18VAC85-20-131 Requirements to practice acupuncture

Governing Board:
Virginia Department of Health Professions Board of Medicine

Licensing Information:
The physician must request that the acupuncture institution send a letter of completion and a detailed transcript outlining didactic and clinical hours.

Email Confirmation