Fast and Effective Diagnosis and Treatment Techniques for the Cervical Spine Region Workshop

Team Rehabilitation Physical Therapy 30801 Barrington St., Madison Heights, MI, United States

Dr. Jay Sandweiss will share valuable techniques for diagnosing and treating pain and dysfunction of the cervical spine region. Clinical conditions such as: whiplash syndrome, torticollis, cervical radiculopathy, acute and chronic neck pain, and TMJ pain and dysfunction are explored with many treatment options. Attendees will learn principles and applications of osteopathic diagnosis and treatment

Basic and Advanced Auricular Therapy Seminar

Soliman 15245 Shady Grove Road, Suite 390 (South Tower), Rockville, MD, United States

Presented by: Nader Soliman, MD This seminar will introduce practitioners to the fundamental basics of auricular therapy 3 phases of Nogier 7 frequencies of treatment

Auricular Medicine Seminar

Soliman 15245 Shady Grove Road, Suite 390 (South Tower), Rockville, MD, United States

Presented by: Nader Soliman, MD Learn this sophisticated auricular system introduced by Dr. Nogier in 1965 Students will understand the concept of the vascular autonomic signal (VAS) bioeneregetic field of the ear (BEF) tissue and color filters’ use

Curious Meridians: Theory & Practice

elms Medical Institute announces a new intermediate-level Medical Acupuncture course on the topic of Curious Meridians, presented fully virtually in two parts: Part I) HMI teaching faculty have prepared video lectures on the theory and practice of Curious Meridians.  These lectures (a total of 3.5 hours) will be available for streaming online at your convenience over

Treating Musculoskeletal Pain & Dysfunction Without Drugs and Surgery: Integrating Dry Needling, Osteopathic Manipulation and Manual Muscle Testing

Team Rehabilitation Altarum Institute 3520 Green Ct, Ste 150, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Presented by Jay Sandweiss, DO, FAAMA & Joseph Audette, MD, MA Drs. Audette and Sandweiss will present a highly effective approach for diagnosing and treating common musculoskeletal problems such as: tennis elbow, golfer elbow, rotator cuff syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, ankle pain, neck, hip and back pain. Attendees will learn to integrate osteopathic

East-West Intersections of the Extraordinary Vessels

American Institute of Alternative Medicine 6685 Doubletree Avenue, Columbus, OH, United States

Presented by David Miller, MD, Lac Far from being esoteric and inaccessible, the Eight Extraordinary Vessels encompass the elegance of the human reproductive system.  They describe how this creates the basis for family and culture, and reveal aspects of personality that we encounter every day. Evolutionary Biology presents a phenomenal lens through which to understand

Applied Kinesiology: Manual Muscle Testing Comes Alive!

Team Rehabilitation Altarum Institute 3520 Green Ct, Ste 150, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Presented by: Jay Sandweiss, DO, FAAMA Applied Kinesiology is a unique system of diagnosis and treatment that utilizes manual muscle testing to determine the underlying factors responsible for somatic dysfunctions. Each muscle in the body has been correlated with a specific organ or gland, acupuncture meridian, Chapman’s reflex, Bennett’s reflex, nutritional need, cranial stress receptor,

Integrative Manual Approach to Lower Back and Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction Workshop

Team Rehabilitation Illinois Training Center 2250 East Devon Ave, Suite 244, Des Plaines, IL, United States

Presented by Jay Sandweiss, DO, FAAMA Workshop Description:  In this weekend course, Dr. Sandweiss will present highly effective approaches using manual medicine to evaluate and treat musculoskeletal disorders related to lower back and pelvic pain. Participants will learn to utilize diagnosis and treatment techniques, including: manual muscle testing, tender point analysis, trigger point analysis, motion testing and

Treating Musculoskeletal Pain & Dysfunction Without Drugs and Surgery: Integrating Dry Needling, Osteopathic Manipulation and Manual Muscle Testing Workshop

Team Rehabilitation Altarum Institute 3520 Green Ct, Ste 150, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Presented by Joseph Audette, MD, MA and Jay Sandweiss, DO, FAAMA Workshop Description: Drs. Audette and Sandweiss will present a highly effective approach for diagnosing and treating common musculoskeletal problems such as: tennis elbow, golfer elbow, rotator cuff syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, ankle pain, neck, hip and back pain. Attendees will learn to

Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) – Level 1 for Practitioners

HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES PORTLAND AIRPORT 9189 NE Cascades Parkway, Portland, OR, United States

Presented by Barbara de la Torre, MD, FAAMA Restore and maintain health at your fingertips! This beginning level course covers the first level: Correspondence Therapy. Barbara de la Torre is a second generation physican board certified in family medicine and medical acupuncture and also master certified in medical qigong. HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES PORTLAND