AAMA Member Spotlight: Lisa Benson, MD

Dr. Lisa Benson is board certified in both internal medicine and medical acupuncture. She is self-employed, practicing medical acupuncture in Buffalo, NY. She has been a member of the AAMA since 2010 and has served for a decade on the AAMA’s Education Committee. “Education has always been my thing,” says Benson. “I have been on the Education Committee for over 10 years and have been chair for about 4. I come from generations of teachers and it was a natural fit. It is so exciting to seek out new teachers and new techniques to bring to the AAMA membership; this was especially so during the height of the Pandemic when our monthly webinars were a way to stay connected.”

We asked Dr. Benson 7 questions about her practice of medical acupuncture. Read on!

What do you love most about your profession and the practice of Medical Acupuncture?
Two things: The joining of East and West and the ability to spend time with each patient, to listen and to guide in healing. I love the metaphors in Chinese Medicine which bring a natural beauty to the experience. The hour I spend with each patient is as valuable to me as to them. I feel Medical Acupuncture is an amazing field for healers.

What part of being an AAMA member do you value most?
Too many to count but most important is being amongst like minded physicians, second is the mentoring and learning I have experienced and the ability to meet acupuncturists from all over the world.

Tell us something about you that not many people know: a fun fact or a favorite hobby.
I came to appreciate Medical Acupuncture as a result of being a yogi which in turn led me to contemplative practice and Buddhism. Our Western minds are so different than those of Eastern cultures that integrating the two has been both challenging and exciting. And of course, there are my dogs.

What brings your life meaning and joy?
Seeing patients is by far the one thing that brings me joy and meaning, hands down.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in the field of Medical Acupuncture?
Just do it. I remember being so anxious all those years ago, feeling like an imposter, but healing comes in many forms and being present for your patients, listening to them, laying a gentle hand……is healing. You can do minimal needling with great effects. Continue to learn and try new things!

Describe one impact you’ve had on the AAMA or on a fellow AAMA member.
Anyone who has watched a webinar in the last 4 years has taken a glimpse into what is important to me and hopefully it has been impactful for our viewers.

Do you have any additional comments about the practice and promise of Medical Acupuncture or about the AAMA itself?
Research continues to prove what we empirically knew … acupuncture is miraculous. The more you practice the more amazing it is.

We’d love to feature you and your practice, too.
Please send us an email if you’d like to share feedback for a future Member Spotlight feature. 

Lisa Benson, MD
Buffalo, NY
AAMA Member Since 2010