Message from the AAMA Board

One More Week!
Take Advantage of Online Lectures from the Annual Symposium NOW!

Virtual Platform
Access to the AAMA’s 2021 Annual Symposium’s virtual platform, on-demand recordings and exhibit area is available for registered attendees only until August 1, 2021! Access the event portal to see on-demand content. 

CME Information
CME credits are still available for sessions you missed or a concurrent session you are watching for the first time. To claim credit for on-demand recordings, click the link in the session, “Quiz for CME,” to complete a short quiz and obtain CME credit for that session. Every session eligible for CME credit contains a quiz link.

If you claimed credit for the LIVE virtual meeting sessions, you cannot claim credit again, but can view the session again – you DO NOT have to take the quiz if you are just watching the recording again. If you haven’t yet claimed credit for the virtual meeting, be sure to complete the evaluation and credit request form.

Don’t Forget … AAMA Is on Instagram!

We’ve added Instagram to the ways you can follow the AAMA and share your own work and feedback. Look us up and tag us! @aamacupuncture

Don’t forget AAMA is also on:

There’s even a closed group on Facebook for discussion between members:

Join the conversations online with fellow physician acupuncturists from around the country!

Upcoming Professional Development & Educational Opportunities

New AAMA Webinar: Perioperative Acupuncture Program
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
8pm EDT, 7pm CDT, 5pm PDT
Presenter: Stephanie Cheng, MD, DABMA

Applied Kinesiology: Muscle Testing Comes Alive
Weekend Workshop
October 16-27, 2021
Chicago, IL

AAMA Website: Education Listings
The AAMA maintains an ongoing calendar of educational events and professional development opportunities related to medical acupuncture. The calendar is accessible on the AAMA website. Members are encouraged to share events and calendar items from their regions and about educational topics that may be of wider interest among peers and fellow AAMA members.

AAMA News & Announcements

Welcome Our New AAMA Members

Please join us in welcoming the following new member who became part of the Academy in June 2021.

  • Andrea Marx, MD of Baltimore, MD

And welcome back to the following returning member:

  • Rana Rand, DO of Berkeley, CA

If you have peers or colleagues who aren’t currently members of the AAMA, please encourage them to learn more about the benefits of membership by visiting the website or contacting Janice Brown, the membership committee chair.

AAMA Legislative Committee Report

The Legislative Committee continues its work monitoring and responding to legislation relevant to our members and their practice of medical acupuncture. Of note this month:

  • By collaborating with the Communications Committee, the Legislative Committee hopes to increase member awareness of important legislative activity and advocacy efforts.
  • The committee is currently monitoring 48 bills that address acupuncture, chronic pain, opioids, and dry needling. 
  • Colorado HB1276 has been signed by the governor. This law requires health benefit plans to cover a minimum of six nonpharmacological treatments (PT, OT, chiropractic, and acupuncture) for patients with a pain diagnosis. 
  • Maine LD1045 has been signed by the governor. This law establishes the Maine Health Care Plan to provide universal health care coverage to all state residents. The Maine Health Care Board will include one integrative medicine provider. 

The Legislative Committee will continue to watch for bills that affect AAMA members and respond to the authors and co-sponsors appropriately. We will also contact YOU when legislation in your state may affect your ability to practice acupuncture. In that event, we ask that you write your representatives and senators since they prefer to hear directly from their constituents. If you learn of relevant legislative activity, please connect with the committee by email:

2021 Research Competition Winner

Congratulations to our colleagues who authored the research paper selected as the winner in the AAMA Annual Research Competition. We want to celebrate their efforts and recognize them as winners of the 2021 Research Paper Competition!

The first-place winner was authored by Stephanie I. Cheng, MD, DABMA, Deirdre C. Kelleher, MD, Danya DeMeo, BS, Haoyan Zhong, MPA, George Birch, BS, Michael P. Ast, MD, MPH.  The paper is entitled, “Incorporating Intraoperative Acupuncture to Reduce Opioid Usage After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Cohort Trial.” 

Watch the video of the paper’s presentation at the AAMA’s 2021 Annual Symposium (Virtual).

Call for Proposals/Presentations for 2022 Annual Symposium

2022 Symposium – Save the Date! Cincinnati, OH May 5-8, 2022

The symposium committee is looking to our membership to broaden the variety and array of presentations in 2022. As much as we do our best to anticipate your needs by meticulously scrutinizing surveys from past meetings, we are now reaching out for ideas to the general membership – people who may not have attended a meeting in several years! DEADLINE EXTENDED TO AUGUST 1, 2021.

  • Are you an expert in a facet of Medical Acupuncture?
  • Is there a topic that you’re particularly knowledgeable and passionate about?
  • Are you able to describe the importance of your material and rationale for presenting at a large national meeting?
  • Can you summarize your presentation in a few specific and measurable learning objectives?
  • Can you present to physicians and healthcare professionals in an engaging manner so they can take home specific acupuncture skills and/or knowledge?
  • Are you prepared to stand in front of a sophisticated group of physicians, managing your talk, as well as follow up questions?

We invite you to submit a proposal for next year’s meeting.

New AAMA Webinar: Perioperative Acupuncture Program

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
8pm EDT, 7pm CDT, 5pm PDT
Presenter: Stephanie Cheng, MD, DABMA

Register now. 

Integrative health therapies are gaining popularity with increasing numbers of patients expecting to be offered non-pharmacologic options when seeking treatment. The Joint Commission requires hospitals to offerings nonpharmacologic pain relief options, but despite this mandate, integrative health practices are rarely routinely incorporated into perioperative care. Join Stephanie Cheng, MD, DABMA for an insightful discussion of her experience incorporating acupuncture intraoperatively as part of a multimodal analgesia regimen. During this webinar, she will speak to implementation of a perioperative acupuncture program, how to identify potential roadblocks as well as highlighting the evidence that supports its usage. Q&A to follow.

At the conclusion of this webcast physician participants will be able to:

  •  Identify areas to incorporate acupuncture into perioperative period.
  •  Recognize potential roadblocks of implementation of a perioperative program.
  •  Explain how perioperative acupuncture can help in decreasing opioid usages post operatively.

Time’s Running Out – Renew Your AAMA Membership Now!

The AAMA is planning big things for 2021-2022! June 30 was the official membership renewal deadline. Renew now to make sure you don’t miss anything.

The most important part of the Academy is YOU! Through your membership and participation, the Academy will continue to advance in stature and quality. Your membership supports your success as a medical acupuncturist. We thank you for your current AAMA membership and for your dedication to medical acupuncture. We ARE in this together — and together we will thrive. Please take a few minutes and renew your membership today! 

Your AAMA Membership comes with valuable benefits, including:


SAR Virtual Symposium 2021 Summary

AAMA member, Mitchell Elkiss, DO, participated in the recent SAR 2021 Symposium and shared his notes with fellow members:

“Generally, the virtual symposium platform worked well for this international scientific symposium on acupuncture research. The quality of the presentations was excellent. I believe that we clinicians enjoy and need this type of conference to support our practices. 

There was considerable discussion of Chinese herbal medicine for an acupuncture conference. The acupuncture was largely presented and performed TCM style by Lac, OMD, or MD/DOs.

I was surprised to see very few AAMA members in attendance and even fewer presenting. The AAMA symposium’s papers and posters could well have been presented at SAR. The incorporation of medical acupuncture’s lens on diagnostics and therapeutics would lead to a richer conversation.” 

Download PDF of full symposium summary.

Boost Your DABMA Branding with AAMA Certification Mark

The AAMA’s medical acupuncture certification mark represents the AAMA’s commitment to promoting the highest standards of education and training in medical acupuncture. If you are a full member or Fellow of the AAMA with DABMA certification, you may request an electronic file of the certification mark and guidelines for its usage. Upon verification of your status, a jpg file will be sent to you. Email the AAMA. 

AAMA Member Offers Weekend Workshop

In this two-day working, Dr. Jay Sandweiss will present diagnostic and treatment techniques that utilize manual muscle testing to determine the underlying factors responsible for somatic dysfunctions. The workshop, Applied Kinesiology: Muscle Testing Comes Alive, will be held October 16-17, 2021, in Chicago, IL. Learn more.

Scam Targeting LAcs and Other Licensed Professionals in CA

The California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) recently warned about an attempted scam aimed at licensees of DCA’s boards and bureaus. In the scheme, an individual falsely identifying themselves as an employee of the Acupuncture Board contacted licensees and attempted to gather personal information. It’s possible the scammers will expand to other states. The news serves as a reminder to all of us to be vigilant in the face of unexpected contact. Here’s potentially helpful guidance from the California Medical Association.

In Case You Missed It Last Month

New Benchmarks from WHO for the Practice of Acupuncture

From the World Health Organization: “With the increasing use of acupuncture in clinical settings worldwide, there is a need to develop benchmarks for the practice of acupuncture, against which actual acupuncture treatment can be compared and evaluated. This document presents a stepwise guidance for the administration of acupuncture treatment, provides the minimum infrastructure requirements for delivering an acupuncture service and emphasizes the key elements for the safe practice of acupuncture.” Download document now. 

New Scientific Research Related to Acupuncture 


Digestion-Specific Acupuncture Effect on Feeding Intolerance in Critically Ill Post-Operative Oral and Hypopharyngeal Cancer Patients: A Single-Blind Randomized Control Trial
In conclusion, digestion-specific acupuncture can decrease the number of days patients need to reach key levels of target EE, increase the total weekly calorie intake and reduce the use of prokinetic drugs. These findings suggest that the use of specific acupuncture can significantly reduce feeding intolerance in critically ill postoperative oral and hypopharyngeal cancer patients.


Acupuncture Treatment Reduced the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Patients with Depression: A Propensity-Score Matched Cohort Study
[Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment]
The results of this study on CHD risk reduction demonstrate the effects and suggest advantages of acupuncture treatment in patients with depression.


Perceptions That Influence Acupuncture Use in Hospice Settings: Results of a State-Wide Survey Study
[Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine]
From the acupuncturist and hospice staff perspectives, insurance coverage/funding for acupuncture, lack of knowledge of acupuncture as a therapeutic modality, and perceived insufficient evidence base for acupuncture are primary barriers to the use of acupuncture in hospice care. Increased awareness/education about acupuncture in the hospice setting, as well as improved funding structures, is critical.


Note: Some of these news sources may require you to create a free account to read their content, while others may have a paywall.