Training requirement: 300-hour Medical Board-approved training course.
Ruling: Dept. 360, Chapter 360-6-.09
Governing Board: Georgia Composite Medical Board
Licensing information:
For permission to practice acupuncture, a physician with a current Georgia medical license must submit the following items to the Board:
1. A request for Board approval printed on physician letterhead containing:
A. The physician’s name and all addresses where acupuncture is to be performed,
B. A brief outline of plans concerning use of acupuncture including objectives, method of procedure, and diseases or conditions to be evaluated using acupuncture,
C. A list of acupuncture devices to be used which must include sterile, disposable, single-use needles.
2. Documentation or certificate showing successful completion of 300 hours of acupuncture training acceptable to the Board.
3. A copy of the patient consent form (a sample is available on the GCMB website).
The Board will consider the request after receipt of the above items. A letter of confirmation is sent upon Board approval. There is no additional fee.