An Integrative Approach to Low Back Pain and Dysfunction
Presented by: Jay Sandweiss, DO, FAAMAAttendees will have the opportunity to watch a high resolution professionally produced instructional video featuring Dr. Jay Sandweiss. Following the video Dr. Sandweiss will present a PowerPoint presentation and lecture live, followed by a question and answer session. In this 1-hour video, he introduces participants to the principles and mechanisms behind osteopathic manipulative medicine and how it can work synergistically and effectively for treating pain and dysfunction in the low back, hip, and pelvic regions.webinar from the AAMA and will differ from the usual AAMA webinar format! Join us for 90-minutes of education. A one-hour pre-recorded video will be made accessible for viewing that includes demonstrations. Then return to engage in 30-minutes of live presentation with Q & A.
This is a special