Committee Purpose:

To develop and oversee a membership recruitment and membership retention program to attract and maintain the greatest possible number of members. To review and develop member services/benefits to attract the greatest possible number of members.

Committee Membership:

The Committee shall consist of at least 5, but no more than 11 Academy members appointed by the President.  One shall serve as Chairman and shall direct the activities of the committee in meeting its purposes. Members of the Committee may serve up to two consecutive, two-year terms.

Committee Leadership:

Janice Brown, MD, DABMA, Chair

Scope of Work

Ongoing Goals

  • Develop an appropriate marketing program, and ancillary materials, to promote membership and membership retention to physicians interested in medical acupuncture.
  • Develop programs specifically to identify and recruit physicians who have graduated from medical acupuncture training programs.
  • Develop a program and materials to acquaint physicians without training in medical acupuncture with its benefits and potential sources of training for themselves or of properly trained physician for referral for their patients.

Immediate Goals

  • Develop specific program to recruit physicians trained in programs other than HMI with a goal of increasing the proportion of those so trained to 25% of the total membership.
  • Develop specific programs to successfully recruit 80% of those who graduate from the HMI training program.
  • Assess the reasons for non renewal of membership and recommend programs, policies or other changes, as appropriate, in order to achieve a goal of 90% membership retention.
  • Conduct a periodic member survey to help identify the needs of the membership that can be addressed by the Academy and to assess member evaluation of those services currently provided.
  • Review on an ongoing basis services/benefits and identify potential new services as appropriate.

Guidelines and Policies

  • The Chairman shall submit written status reports for all meetings of the Board of Directors.

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