Committee Purpose:

To monitor developing and pending policies and legislation and advocate accordingly to support the safe and effective practice of medical acupuncture by physicians; to protect physician rights as related to the practice of medical acupuncture; to inform decision- and policy-makers in government, health care administration, medical education and other related institutions of the benefits of medical acupuncture.


Committee Membership:

The Committee shall consist of at least 5, but no more than 11 Academy members appointed by the President. One shall serve as Chair (or two as co-Chairs) and shall direct the activities of the committee in meeting its purposes. Members of the committee may serve up to two consecutive, two-year terms.


Committee Leadership:

Co-Chair, Gavin Elliott, MD, DABMA
Co-Chair, Donna Pittman, MD, FAAMA

Scope of Work

Immediate Goals

  • Develop and enact systems of monitoring legislation and responding to relevant activity at state and federal levels.
  • Create sustainable communication channels to inform members about relevant legislative activity.


Developing Goals

  • Encourage and support member action in advocacy at state and federal levels.
  • Establish connections with policy-makers, legislators and aligned organizations to promote the clinical evidence base in support of medical acupuncture.
  • Supporting national and state efforts to enact legislation that promotes patient education about safe and effective non-pharmaceutical alternatives.
  • Supporting national and state efforts to enact legislation that promotes inclusion of medical acupuncture in private and public health coverage benefits.

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