Message from the AAMA Board

Renew Your AAMA Membership by June 30

The AAMA is planning big things for 2024-2025! Please renew your AAMA membership by June 30 to make sure you don’t miss anything.

The most important part of the Academy is YOU! Through your membership and participation, the Academy will continue to advance in stature and quality. Your membership supports your growth and success as a medical acupuncturist. We thank you for your current AAMA membership and for your dedication to medical acupuncture. We are in this together — and together we will thrive! Please take a few minutes and renew your membership today! 

Your AAMA Membership comes with valuable benefits, including:

Choose from online, journal and other educational activities to earn free and/or low-cost CME related to your practice of medical acupuncture.

Academy members receive the journal every other month and have access to an online version through the Academy’s website — included in your membership fee!

The AAMA Annual Symposium typically includes four days of scientific and clinical presentations and clinical workshops presented by some of the best teachers in the field.

As the scientific evidence mounts in support of medical acupuncture, the AAMA will continue its efforts to promote new discovery and encourage clinical research. New research is supported through dissemination and funding opportunities.

The AAMA’s hard-working Legislative Committee reviews and responds to legislation related to medical acupuncture, actively fighting against possible erosion of your rights to perform and be reimbursed for providing acupuncture. They work year-round on your behalf, protecting your work and your patients.

The “find an acupuncturist” directory on the AAMA website is always the most-visited page on the site, allowing thousands of patients each year to search for a provider in their area. Inclusion in the directory is FREE to all eligible members.

The AAMA’s proactive outreach to various sectors — legislators and policymakers, fellow medical professionals, fellow acupuncture providers, insurance companies, media outlets, and more — increases awareness and acceptance of the evidence-based practice of medical acupuncture.

“Are we there yet?” Green shoots of progress in acupuncture implementation in healthcare

Excerpted from the European Journal of Integrative Medicine

Despite a growing body of research and clinical guidelines advocating for acupuncture, its adoption in healthcare systems remains limited. This manuscript explores the considerable gap between evidence-based recommendations for acupuncture and its implementation, while providing practical examples of collaborative and integrative use of acupuncture in healthcare settings in the UK, USA, and Austria. We aim to inspire and provide guidance for those seeking to replicate these successful initiatives and drive the integration of acupuncture in their own healthcare settings.

Narrative accounts of the experience of three clinician-researchers delivering acupuncture within mainstream healthcare systems in the UK, USA, and Austria respectively were captured. These are presented as standalone exemplars of the integration of acupuncture in real-world settings from the perspective of embedded professionals. Each of the three contributors explores and discusses the challenges faced and opportunities presented in their specific setting, as well as lessons learned in the process which may be more widely transferable. The collective relevance of these three narratives may extend beyond the individual settings, serving as possible blueprints and stimulating further professional discourse and innovation.

Read the full article.

Upcoming Professional Development & Educational Opportunities

AAMA WEBINAR – Auriculotherapy: Current Concepts and Practice, A French Experience
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
8:00 pm ET/ 7:00 pm CT /5:00 pm PT
Presented by Mireille Michel-Cherqui, MD

Clinical Approaches to Common Problems, Selected Methods & Techniques
ICMART Webinar
June 9, 2024 @ 11am GMT

NIH Force-based Manipulation Research Meeting
June 28, 2024 @ 10am ET

Treating Musculoskeletal Pain & Dysfunction Without Drugs And Surgery: Integrating Dry Needling, Osteopathic Manipulation and Manual Muscle Testing
Saturday October 5-6, 2024
Ann Arbor, MI

Convergence of Acupuncture, Medical Science and Technology
September 27-29, 2024
Shinhwa World, Jeju, Korea

2025 AAMA Annual Symposium
Pittsburgh, PA
March 27-30, 2025
Save the date!

SAR 2025 Conference
Newport Beach, CA
April 3-6, 2025
Save the date!

AAMA Website: Education Listings
The AAMA maintains an ongoing calendar of educational events and professional development opportunities related to medical acupuncture. The calendar is accessible on the AAMA website. Members are encouraged to share events and calendar items from their regions and about educational topics that may be of wider interest among peers and fellow AAMA members.

AAMA News & Announcements

Welcome Our New & Returning AAMA Members

Please join us in welcoming the following new members who became part of the Academy in April 2024:

  • Jason E. Bacon, MD of Belton, TX
  • Aerie Chung, MD of Mishawaka, IN
  • Amarilis Huertas, MD of Bayamon, Puerto Rico
  • Smitha Rudraraju, MD of Frisco, TX

A warm welcome back to our returning member:

  • Norman Hurst, MD of Meridian, ID

If you have peers or colleagues who aren’t currently members of the AAMA, please encourage them to learn more about the benefits of membership by visiting the website or contacting Kendra Unger, the membership committee chair.

DON’T FORGET: If you would like to sponsor a medical student member for $75/year, please email AAMA today and let us know.

Physician Earns ABMA Certification

Congratulations to the following physician who has completed the process set by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture (ABMA) to be certified as a Diplomate for 10 years:

  • Tanya B. Teggatz, MD, DABMA, of Cedar Rapids, IA

Learn more about DABMA certification requirements.

Physicians Complete 10-Year ABMA Recertification Process

Congratulations to the following physicians who have completed the process set by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture (ABMA) to be re-certified as a Diplomate for another 10 years:

  • Umar Farooq, MD, FAAMA, of Bensalem, PA
  • Anita D. Spitz, MD, DABMA, of  Beaverton, OR

AAMA Legislative Committee Report

The Legislative Committee is currently following 74 bills on acupuncture, chronic pain, integrative medicine and dry needling. Most of the bills remain in committee at this time.

REMEMBER: The committee members will contact you when legislation in your state may affect your ability to practice acupuncture. In that event, you are encouraged to write your representatives and senators since they prefer to hear directly from their constituents. If you learn of relevant legislative activity, please connect with the committee by email:

2024 Symposium On-Demand Registration


All of the Symposium sessions were recorded and are available for on-demand viewing. If you were not able to attend in-person, you can now purchase access to the on-demand recording package! Access is available until October 1, 2024.

What Does the On-Demand Package Fee Cover?

  • Symposium Session recording access
  • Up to a maximum of 26 CME credits (must complete quiz for each session for credit where applicable)
  • Review of all symposium documentation and materials
  • Exhibit company access

Purchase access now and view all the recorded sessions until October 1, 2024!

Call for Proposals: 2025 Annual Symposium

You can help move our organization forward by sending us your submissions for 2025 Annual Symposium presentations: pre-symposium workshops, plenary sessions and/or workshops. As an added bonus, presenting at the AAMA Symposium is a prestigious national experience to showcase on your CV and credentials.

We invite you to submit a proposal for next year’s meeting. DEADLINE: June 30, 2024.

  • Are you an expert in a facet of Medical Acupuncture?
  • Is there a topic that you’re particularly knowledgeable and passionate about?
  • Are you able to describe the importance of your material and rationale for presenting at a large national meeting?
  • Can you summarize your presentation in a few specific and measurable learning objectives?
  • Can you present to physicians and healthcare professionals in an engaging manner so they can take home specific acupuncture skills and/or knowledge?
  • Are you prepared to stand in front of a sophisticated group of physicians, managing your talk, as well as follow up questions?

Learn more and submit your presentation proposal.

Buy AAMA “Merch” Now in Our New Online Shop!

To show your AAMA pride and support, we invite you to pick your favorite items and purchase them today. A portion of each sale directly supports the AAMA and the programs you have come to appreciate. Show off your AAMA spirit whether it is at home, in the hospital/office or on the go. Watch the video below then go shopping here:

AAMA Webinar – Auriculotherapy: Current Concepts and Practice, A French Experience

Presented by Mireille Michel-Cherqui, MD
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
8:00 pm ET/ 7:00 pm CT /5:00 pm PT
1-hour educational event from the AAMA

Attendees will be introduced to the history and development of auriculotherapy in France and in the world since this time. Its specificity compared to acupuncture will be explained. Possible mechanisms of action, and clinical utilization of auriculotherapy will be presented  based on scientific publications. The implementation of auriculotherapy as a complementary technique, in a vision of integrative medicine, will be highlighted with a focus on chronic pain, perioperative management and supportive care in cancer. Watch live or watch on-demand when your schedule allows. Learn more and register.

NIH Force-Based Manipulation Researcher Meeting

Virtual Meeting
June 28, 2024 at 10 a.m. ET

The meeting will feature important updates and research advances from three NIH-funded networks on force-based manipulation research. Hear updates from scientific working groups on framework or taxonomy, mechanisms, and technologies and methods. Valeria Vásquez, Ph.D., will present the keynote, “Fine-Tuning Mechanosensitive Ion Channels: From Basic Science to Translational Research.” This meeting is supported by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. View the agenda and register online.

2024 Call for Research Proposals: Expanding the Evidence Base for the Tapping Solution App

The evidence base for Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping has expanded dramatically over the past decade (See 2022 Systematic Review at: One gap that remains in published research is demonstrating the effectiveness of using a mobile app to guide EFT tapping. The Tapping Solution App is a self-guided EFT Tapping app that launched in 2018 and has been downloaded by 3.5 million users in over 135+ countries.

To expand the evidence base of app-guided EFT tapping, The Tapping Solution, LLC., invites investigators from all fields of study to submit research proposals that test the effectiveness of the Tapping Solution App. This Call for Proposals may be of particular interest to investigators in fields of medicine (internal and family medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, etc.), dentistry, nursing, psychology, social work, education, acupuncture, integrative medicine, public health, palliative care, Workforce Health and Safety, and first responders. Learn more: TappingSolution2024Call

Submit proposal: TappingSolution2024application

NCCIH: Low-Back Pain and Complementary Health Approaches

What do we know about the effectiveness of complementary health approaches for low-back pain?

  • There’s low- or moderate-quality evidence that a variety of mind and body practices, including acupuncture, electromyography biofeedback, low-level laser therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, progressive muscle relaxation, spinal manipulation, tai chi, and yoga, may be helpful for chronic low-back pain.
  • There’s low-quality evidence that acupuncture, massage therapy, and spinal manipulation may be helpful for acute low-back pain.

Read the full article on the NCCIH website.

REMINDER: Student Member Sponsorship Opportunity

Young physicians represent the future of medical acupuncture. To encourage their involvement in our organization, the AAMA recently launched an initiative to invite current members to sponsor a medical student member for $75/year.

Would you like to sponsor a medical student member? Or would you like more information about the option? Please email AAMA today and let us know.

Volunteer to Serve on the AAMA Board of Directors and/or Committees

Committee volunteers are welcome year-round. The Board of Directors holds elections in the spring each year, when Directors and Officers are chosen by the members to guide the Academy for the following year. If you are interested in being considered for a committee this year or a seat on the Board of Directors next year, please reach out and let us know. We welcome your inquiry! Learn more.

Are You Following Us?

Join the conversations online with fellow physician acupuncturists from around the country! You can find AAMA on:

There’s even a closed group on Facebook for discussion between members:

In Case You Missed It Last Month

New Leadership Elected

Among the important business and announcements that were part of the Symposium was the election and announcement of the AAMA 2024-25 leadership.

Board of Directors – elected/re-elected for 2 year term

  • Joseph Audette, MD
  • J. Russell Corcoran, MD
  • Barbara de la Torre, MD, FAAMA
  • Richard Elliott, MD, DABMA
  • Gavin Elliott, MD, FAAMA
  • Montiel Rosenthal, MD, FAAMA
  • Joseph Walker, III, MD, DABMA

Newly Elected Officers

  • PRESIDENT – Joseph Audette, MD
  • VICE PRESIDENT – Michael Freedman, MD, FAAMA
  • TREASURER – Barbara de la Torre, MD, FAAMA
  • SECRETARY – Tate Kauffman, MD, DABMA

Completing their Service on the Board

  • Demetrios Papadopoulos, MD, FAAMA
  • Candace Warner, MD, FAAMA

Our sincere thanks to all who have volunteered their time and talents to the Board and to various AAMA committees. Their work on the Academy’s behalf is vital to our organization. If you’re not already involved and you’re interested in exploring the leadership opportunities available with the AAMA, please view the Governance section of our website.

Helpful New Resources on AAMA Website — State Regulations

Most physicians are permitted to practice acupuncture within the scope of their medical licenses, but it’s challenging to know what states have additional requirements or restrictions. For example, 10 states mandate that physicians complete a specified number of hours in acupuncture instruction in addition to maintaining a current medical license. And have to submit an application or proof of training with the state medical board or licensing agency.

Curious about your state or neighboring states? Considering an out-of-state move? Learn more about the state-by-state requirements using new tools from the AAMA. View resources.

Call for Papers: Acupuncture Education

The editors of Medical Acupuncture invite paper submissions in support of an upcoming special edition focusing on how acupuncture is taught around the world.  In particular, the journal is  looking for papers that discuss the educational curricula used to train physician and/or non-physician acupuncturists in different schools, states and/or countries. The purpose of this special edition is to help expand the use of acupuncture throughout the medical community. Deadline: July 26, 2024. More.

New Scientific Research Related to Acupuncture 

Acupuncture improves neurological function and anti-inflammatory effect in patients with acute ischemic stroke: A double-blinded randomized controlled trial
[Complementary Therapies in Medicine]
Conclusions: Acupuncture improved the neurological function of patients with AIS, and the relationship between acupuncture improving neurological function and anti-inflammatory effect needs further study. In addition, studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-ups as well as multicenter clinical trials are expected in the future.

Efficacy of Acupuncture on Pain Severity and Frequency of Calf Cramps in Dialysis Patients: a Randomized Clinical Trial
[Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies]
Conclusion: Acupuncture can decrease pain and frequency of calf cramps in dialysis patients.

Efficacy of acupuncture for cough-related symptom clusters in patients with lung cancer: A randomized controlled trial
[European Journal of Oncology Nursing]
Conclusions: Acupuncture using LU7, LU9, BL13, and BL20 can relieve the cough of lung cancer patients, but not relieve expectoration and shortness of breath.

Acupuncture in the treatment of cocaine addiction: how does it work?
[Acupuncture in Medicine]
The data suggest that acupuncture can impact various cocaine-induced issues via stimulation of diverse brain areas; nevertheless, the interconnection of these brain regions and the PNS mechanisms involved remain unknown.

Note: Some of these news sources may require you to create a free account to read their content, while others may have a paywall.