Message from the AAMA Board

Highlights from AAMA’s Annual Symposium

The AAMA’s 2024 Annual Symposium drew more than 150 attendees from across the United States to convene in Minneapolis, MN, and we welcomed even more attendees via the live stream.

Once again, the event showcased current research and emerging trends in the world of medical acupuncture. We are grateful to all of the committee members, staff members, speakers, presenters, exhibitors, attendees and sponsors who contributed their efforts. Your hard work made the event a huge success!

The pre-symposium workshops were incredibly popular this year, with three sell-out workshops and one well attended. These hands-on workshops gave attendees an opportunity to learn and practice in real-time.

A special thank you to event sponsors, Mary Ann Liebert Publishers and Lhasa/OMS, for their financial support.

For those of you who weren’t able to attend, it’s not too late to take advantage of the educational offerings. On-demand recordings will be available shortly!

All who attended in-person and/or registered for virtual package will have access to the on-demand recordings to watch the sessions again and/or secure CME credit for sessions you were not able to attend during the Symposium. 

New Leadership Elected

Among the important business and announcements that were part of the Symposium was the election and announcement of the AAMA 2024-25 leadership.

Board of Directors – elected/re-elected for 2 year term

  • Joseph Audette, MD
  • J. Russell Corcoran, MD
  • Barbara de la Torre, MD, FAAMA
  • Richard Elliott, MD, DABMA
  • Gavin Elliott, MD, FAAMA
  • Montiel Rosenthal, MD, FAAMA
  • Joseph Walker, III, MD, DABMA

Newly Elected Officers

  • PRESIDENT – Joseph Audette, MD
  • VICE PRESIDENT – Michael Freedman, MD, FAAMA
  • TREASURER – Barbara de la Torre, MD, FAAMA
  • SECRETARY – Tate Kauffman, MD, DABMA

Completing their Service on the Board

  • Demetrios Papadopoulos, MD, FAAMA
  • Candace Warner, MD, FAAMA

Our sincere thanks to all who have volunteered their time and talents to the Board and to various AAMA committees. Their work on the Academy’s behalf is vital to our organization. If you’re not already involved and you’re interested in exploring the leadership opportunities available with the AAMA, please view the Governance section of our website.

New AAMA Fellow Elected!

Congratulations to the following member who was elected to be a Fellow of the Academy during the Symposium:

  • Tate Kauffman, MD, FAAMA, of Newville, PA

If you are interested in becoming a Fellow next year, deadlines for next year’s application process will be announced shortly on the AAMA website.

Annual Scientific Poster Presentation Winners Announced

Thank you to all of the authors who submitted poster abstracts for this year’s Symposium! Congratulations to the following poster winners, whose outstanding work was displayed at the Symposium reception and authors were available to discuss their work. The lively session featured discussion of each authors’ research and results.

  • 3rd Prize – Paul Varghese – Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PENS) for Alleviating Chronic Spinal Pain and Acute Knee Pain: A Clinical Case Study
  • 2nd Prize  – Richard A. Elliott, MD, DABMA – Development and Implementation of a Standardized, Multimodal Perioperative Protocol Inclusive of Intraoperative Acupuncture for Pediatric Patients Undergoing Circumcision
  • 1st Prize – Yung Chen, MD – Long-Term Efficacy of Medical Electrical Acupuncture Versus Physical Therapy in Pain Control for Failed Lower Back Surgery: A 15-Year Comparative Study

Also, each year, the Medical Acupuncture Research Foundation has a research paper competition. Several submissions were received and reviewed by the Board of Trustees and we want to take the opportunity to acknowledge a submission that was awarded a Merit Award for the 2024 Competition.

Montiel Rosenthal, MD, FAAMA – “Chinese Pulse Diagnosis in the Evaluation of the Acutely Hospitalized Adult Patient.”

Upcoming Professional Development & Educational Opportunities

Complementary and Integrative Interventions to Prevent and Mitigate the Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
Two-day Workshop
June 10-11, 2024

Treating Musculoskeletal Pain & Dysfunction Without Drugs And Surgery: Integrating Dry Needling, Osteopathic Manipulation and Manual Muscle Testing
Saturday October 5-6, 2024
Ann Arbor, MI

Convergence of Acupuncture, Medical Science and Technology
September 27-29, 2024
Shinhwa World, Jeju, Korea

2025 AAMA Annual Symposium
Pittsburgh, PA
March 27-30, 2025
Save the date!

SAR 2025 Conference
Newport Beach, CA
April 3-6, 2025
Save the date!

AAMA Website: Education Listings
The AAMA maintains an ongoing calendar of educational events and professional development opportunities related to medical acupuncture. The calendar is accessible on the AAMA website. Members are encouraged to share events and calendar items from their regions and about educational topics that may be of wider interest among peers and fellow AAMA members.

AAMA News & Announcements

Welcome Our New & Returning AAMA Members

Please join us in welcoming the following new members who became part of the Academy in March 2024:

  • Beth Palmisano, MD, LAc, of Maplewood, NJ
  • Refat Assad, DO, of Albany, NY
  • Sherilyn L. McCollum, DO, of Doylestown, PA

A warm welcome back to our returning member:

  • Seetal Cheema, MD, of Los Angeles, CA

And a special shout-out to a medical student who has joined AAMA to learn from our community:

  • Maedot A. Haymet of Roanoke, VA

If you have peers or colleagues who aren’t currently members of the AAMA, please encourage them to learn more about the benefits of membership by visiting the website or contacting Kendra Unger, the membership committee chair.

DON’T FORGET: If you would like to sponsor a medical student member for $75/year, please email AAMA today and let us know.

AAMA Legislative Committee Report

The Legislative Committee is currently following 77 bills on acupuncture, chronic pain, and dry needling. There are 58 bills related to acupuncture in the following states: HI, IA, IL, KS, KY, MA, MN, NE, NH, NY, OK, PA, RI, VA, and WA.

This graphic shows current activity level across the country. The darker the red, the more acupuncture-related activity is occurring:

REMEMBER: The committee members will contact you when legislation in your state may affect your ability to practice acupuncture. In that event, you are encouraged to write your representatives and senators since they prefer to hear directly from their constituents. If you learn of relevant legislative activity, please connect with the committee by email:

Physician Earns ABMA Certification

Congratulations to the following physician who has completed the process set by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture (ABMA) to be certified as a Diplomate for 10 years:

  • Tanya B. Teggatz, MD, DABMA, of Cedar Rapids, IA

Learn more about DABMA certification requirements.

REMINDER: Student Member Sponsorship Opportunity

Young physicians represent the future of medical acupuncture. To encourage their involvement in our organization, the AAMA recently launched an initiative to invite current members to sponsor a medical student member for $75/year.

Would you like to sponsor a medical student member? Or would you like more information about the option? Please email AAMA today and let us know.

Coming Soon: AAMA Membership Renewal Info

In just a few weeks, AAMA’s annual membership renewal season will launch with easy online renewal options for all current members. Please remember that your membership comes with valuable benefits that can strengthen your practice of medical acupuncture.

  • Live and Virtual Educational Events
  • State and National Advocacy Initiatives
  • Patient Referrals
  • Research Support & Updates

Your membership also supports the practice of medical acupuncture on a national and international scale — building the evidence base for its use in clinical settings.

ICMART 2024 – 37th World Congress on Medical Acupuncture

The theme of this year’s ICMART Congress, which will take place in Jeju, Korea, is “Future of Integrative Healthcare: The Convergence of Acupuncture, Medical Science and Technology.” AAMA members are invited to submit abstracts for presentations; submission deadline is May 17, 2024. Early-bird registration discount ends June 20, 2024. Learn more:

NCCIH Clinical Digest: Sleep Disorders

New “What the Science Says” from NCCIH focuses on Psychological and Physical Approaches for Sleep Disorders.

Research has demonstrated beneficial results of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) for people with chronic insomnia disorder. There is also some evidence suggesting that relaxation therapy may be useful for this condition. There is limited evidence that other complementary health approaches such as yoga may be helpful for people with sleep problems. This issue of the digest provides a summary of the current research for several health approaches for sleep disorders, including CBT-I, relaxation techniques, yoga, tai chi, acupuncture, music-based interventions, and meditation and mindfulness practices. Read more.

Introduce Your Colleagues to Medical Acupuncture — Download Presentation Today

Last year, the AAMA created a presentation that AAMA members can use to present as an introduction to medical acupuncture for their fellow health care professionals. It provides information about mechanisms of action, treatable conditions, adverse effects, and reasons to consider acupuncture treatments for patients. This AAMA member resource includes the presentation slides for your use, the narrative that goes along with the presentation slides, and a file of references for the presentation. A recording was made of the actual presentation that members can view and see how the presentation might be delivered. Learn more.

Workshop Announced: Treating Musculoskeletal Pain & Dysfunction Without Drugs And Surgery

Treating Musculoskeletal Pain & Dysfunction Without Drugs And Surgery: Integrating Dry Needling, Osteopathic Manipulation And Manual Muscle Testing 
Saturday October 5-6, 2024 (14.5 HRS OF TRAINING)
Ann Arbor, MI

Presenters: Dr. Joseph Audette and Dr. Jay Sandweiss

Drs. Audette and Sandweiss will present a highly effective approach for diagnosing and treating common musculoskeletal problems such as: tennis elbow, golfer elbow, rotator cuff syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, ankle pain, neck, hip and back pain. Attendees will learn to integrate osteopathic manipulation, dry needling and manual muscle testing. Learn more.

Are You Following Us?

Join the conversations online with fellow physician acupuncturists from around the country! You can find AAMA on:

There’s even a closed group on Facebook for discussion between members:

In Case You Missed It Last Month

Helpful New Resources on AAMA Website — State Regulations

Most physicians are permitted to practice acupuncture within the scope of their medical licenses, but it’s challenging to know what states have additional requirements or restrictions. For example, 10 states mandate that physicians complete a specified number of hours in acupuncture instruction in addition to maintaining a current medical license. And have to submit an application or proof of training with the state medical board or licensing agency.

Curious about your state or neighboring states? Considering an out-of-state move? Learn more about the state-by-state requirements using new tools from the AAMA. View resources.

Call for Papers: Acupuncture Education

The editors of Medical Acupuncture invite paper submissions in support of an upcoming special edition focusing on how acupuncture is taught around the world.  In particular, the journal is  looking for papers that discuss the educational curricula used to train physician and/or non-physician acupuncturists in different schools, states and/or countries. The purpose of this special edition is to help expand the use of acupuncture throughout the medical community. Deadline: July 26, 2024. More.

Volunteer to Serve on the AAMA Board of Directors and/or Committees

Committee volunteers are welcome year-round. The Board of Directors holds elections in the spring each year, when Directors and Officers are chosen by the members to guide the Academy for the following year. If you are interested in being considered for a committee this year or a seat on the Board of Directors next year, please reach out and let us know. We welcome your inquiry! Learn more.

New Scientific Research Related to Acupuncture 

East Meets West: Effect of Acupuncture on Lactation and Maternal Quality of Life
[Breastfeeding Medicine]
Mothers receiving acupuncture reported enhanced milk supply and improved QOL. The limited sample size restricts the broad applicability of the results; nonetheless, this study paves the way for further research on the advantages of merging Eastern and Western treatments to enhance human lactation.

Durable Effects of Acupuncture for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
[Current Pain and Headache Reports]
Previous studies have suggested the efficacy of acupuncture for knee osteoarthritis (KOA) with its durability remaining uncertain. In this review, we aimed to investigate the durability of the efficacy after completion of treatment.

Traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine and artificial intelligence: Novel opportunities in healthcare
[Integrative Medicine Research]
The intersection of TCIM and AI constitutes novel, unchartered opportunities in healthcare, poised to redefine patient care and treatment paradigms. Current research would indicate that TCIM’s holistic principles, emphasizing personalized and patient-centered care has already begun to converge with AI capabilities. This amalgamation holds great promise in enhancing healthcare delivery, fostering personalized treatment plans, preventive interventions, and patient engagement.

Note: Some of these news sources may require you to create a free account to read their content, while others may have a paywall.