• Presented By

    Gary Stanton, MD, FAAMA


1-Hour Live Webcast

Wednesday, August 21, 2024
8:00 pm ET, 7:00 pm CT, 5:00 pm PT


The Chinese ear Shenmen point is widely known, but the similar French Cosmonaut Point is less well known. Controversy exists regarding these points in their clinical utility. Clarifying the controversies will lead to improved clinical utilization.


The Shenmen Point is a Chinese auricular acupuncture point that is also known in France as the Cosmonaut Point. It is widely utilized therapeutically for its property of reducing stress. In some ways it is a controversial point. Differences of opinion exist regarding the most appropriate name of the point, who discovered it first, its location within the triangular fossa, its best method of detection, its best method of stimulation, its actions, its indications, its contraindications, its therapeutic effects, and even its very existence. Furthermore, given the extent of controversy concerning the Shenmen and Cosmonaut points, one may reasonably question if they represent the same point, or two separate points. The aim of this webinar will be to review the similarities and differences of opinion regarding the Shenmen and Cosmonaut points, drawing mainly from French, German, Chinese, and American sources. The clinical implications of these comparisons will be summarized.

Learning objectives

At the conclusion of this LIVE webcast physician participants will be able to:

  • Explain the histories of the Shenmen and Cosmonaut points.
  • Analyze the similarities and differences of their auricular locations.
  • Examine similarities and differences in their clinical treatment methods.
  • Evaluate published literature concerning the points in light of their similarities and differences.

Gary Stanton, MD, FAAMA

Gary Stanton, MD, FAAMA is a neurologist who has subspecialty interests in sleep medicine, pain medicine, clinical neurophysiology, and acupuncture.  He had training in traditional acupuncture in the Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine programs, as well as at the Institute for Traditional Chinese Energetics and Acupuncture (IEATC) in France.  He subsequently completed the training program for the Inter-University Diploma (DIU) in Auriculotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris XIII, under Dr. David Alimi. He is a Fellow of the AAMA and is treasurer of the New England Society of Medical Acupuncture. Dr. Stanton is a member of the AAMA Board of Directors and Membership Committee. He is in private practice in Concord, Massachusetts.

To Register

The fee to participate in this LIVE activity is $40/members and $70/non-members per webcast.

Use the button below to register/pay for the LIVE presentation.

Once paid, access instructions will be emailed to participant. At the conclusion of the LIVE activity, an evaluation/survey must be completed with attestation of credit/participation. Certificate of completion will be emailed when completed evaluation/survey is completed.

Note: Refunds will not be provided for webinar registrations.  Should you miss the live event all registrants will have access to the webinar recording indefinitely and CME credit can be obtained via the recording.

Can’t attend on this date/time? The presentation will be recorded and available for watching at your convenience. Sign up now and receive access to attend live and/or watch the recording. All registered participants receive access to the webinar recording!


The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). The AAMA designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Disclosure Statement

Gary Stanton, MD, FAAMA has indicated no real or apparent conflicts.

The reviewers and activity planners have no financial relationships to disclose.

Disclosure Policy

AAMA must ensure that anyone who is in a position to control the content of the education activity has disclosed all financial relationships that you have had in the past 24 months (even if now ended) with ineligible companies. We define ineligible companies as those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.